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Friday, November 2, 2007

New Poem

I hate fighting... I hate how it feels, how it leaves me and the others around me, how it leaves the air around me... sharp and bitter like blood on the air. It always starts like a balloon, with a few breaths blowing it up, sometimes its slow and slowly expands, and sometimes it's just like a sudden gusty expansion and then... POP... you're left with the pieces.

So when I'm overwhelmed by the anger of deeds and words, I use the very objects of my anger and write. They're not always spectacular, but the poem itself isn't the point, it's the bonus.

Fight Mantra, Fight Fair
aka In... and out...

Take a breath... in... and out...
Take a time... in... and out...
Be at this moment, at this time... not another... no before...
only here... present... now...
Just let calm... in... and out...
Just let the tears... in... and out...
Let the calm and the tears wash over... let the pain and the anger go softly...
down... like... rain...
Feel no anger... in... or out...
Feel no regret... in... or out...
We all live life at moments when hate overcomes reason, we all feel right or wronged when
there is... no... blame
Feel passion... in... and out...
Feel compassion... in... and out...
I will not forgive myself or others, but I will forgo the past mistakes
of myself and others and be... right... now...
I will be... right... now...
Here... right... now...
Don't let your fool heart forget... in... and out...
Don't let the fool words... in... and out...
Remember who you are... who you have been and who you will be...
you are more than words, more than this moment...
You... are... all...
In... and out...

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