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Tuesday, July 30, 2019

I Hold My Breath

I held my breath again today. The stale air a testament of what has become the world between us. Neither of us knowing how we should act or react or be so, instead, we just become overtight rubberbands
Ready… To… SNAP… And I hold my breath… ‘Til the moment passes. Passes, like trains on different tracks Going through the motions, but in opposite directions I’m so tired from all of this holding All of the baggage we carry and hold on to, too long… So tired… Of all the tracks going nowhere, And never together I sometimes wonder if I’ll forget how to breath and die from lack of oxygen, I’m afraid I’ll just suffocate. Buried under all of these unsaid words but then I wonder am I already suffocating? is this already death? I already don’t breath, no fresh air has passed these lips in what feels like an eternity, no life should feel like this, no death should feel like this, no one should feel like this...
And the moment passes...
and I breath
~Sherry Lore 2018

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